James Deakin has a new show on CNN Philippines

The award-winning automotive journalist, James Deakin, has a new DAILY show on CNN Philippines called “The Service Road” where he talks to authorities, experts, commuters and travelers about the problems and possible solutions, and new transport innovations.

The Service Road is a 45-minute news and public service program that aims to be a part of the growing conversation about the country’s transport issues. Premiere is on September 19, 2016 and watch it everyday on CNN Philippines, 5:00 pm and 10:30pm only.

Meanwhile, we’re currently filming episodes of Drive SEASON 4!


Drive on CNN Philippines takes you on another exciting ride with its insightful and no-nonsense reviews on car performance both on and off the tracks. This will premiere on September 25, 2016, Sunday!

CNN Philippines is seen on free TV Manila RPN – TV9, Cebu RPN – TV9, Davao RPN – TV 9, Zamboanga RPN – TV5, Baguio RPN – TV12, Bacolod RPN – TV8; Cable TV thru Sky Cable – Channel 14 (Metro Manila), Sky Cable – Channel 6 (Cebu, Davao, Bacolod, Iloilo and Baguio), Destiny Cable – Channel 14, Cablelink Channel 14, Cignal – Channel 10, Dream Cable- Channel 13.

You can also watch these shows on livestream:

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Stay updated with these shows and James Deakin by visiting these sites:
CNN Philippines
James Deakin’s Facebook Page
James Deakin’s Twitter
James Deakin’s Instagram
James Deakin’s YouTube